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Audio Properties

The system can be customized to react to audio, letting you to create effects that sync with music or other sounds in your game. VortexFX is quite powerful when it comes to audio, as it has many features that can be easily accessed and to nearly every time provide a good result.


All audio properties must have an AudioReactive property paired together or else it simply won't do anything.


  • Description: Links a sound object to the particle system, making the particles react to the sound's playback.
  • Default: nil
  • Example:
    local sound = workspace:WaitForChild("Sound") -- Replace with a sound instance
    emitter:Create({ -- Particles will react to this sound but not without any of the influences below
        AudioReactive = sound 


Saturation notice

AudioInfluencedColor changes the HUE of the color the particle is at spawn, if your particle has no saturation in any color, there will be no visible change.


AudioInfluencedColor is NOT compatible with ColorSequence, if your particle has a ColorSequence applied, the color will be set to the first keypoint and it will not go through the ColorSequence as expected.

  • Description: Allows the color of the particles to change based on the loudness of the linked audio.
  • Default: false
  • Example:
    emitter:Create({ -- Particles change color based on audio loudness
        AudioReactive = sound,
        AudioInfluencedColor = true


  • Description: Makes the speed of the particles fluctuate according to the loudness of the audio.
  • Default: false
  • Example:
    emitter:Create({ -- Particle speed varies with audio loudness
        AudioReactive = sound,
        AudioInfluencedSpeed = true


  • Description: Alters the size of the particles in sync with the audio's loudness.
  • Default: false
  • Example:
    emitter:Create({ -- Particle size changes with audio loudness
        AudioReactive = sound,
        AudioInfluencedSize = true


  • Description: When set to true, this property makes it that the particle's speed remains constant and isn't affected by audio changes past when it was first created, even if AudioInfluencedSpeed is enabled.
  • Default: false
  • Example:
        AudioReactive = sound, -- Particle speed remains constant despite audio fluctuations
        AudioInfluencedSpeed = true,
        AudioIndependentSpeed = true


  • Description: Similar to AudioIndependentSpeed, this keeps the particle size constant, unaffected by the audio changes past when the particle was first created, even if AudioInfluencedSize is enabled.
  • Default: false
  • Example:
    emitter:Create({ -- Particle size remains constant despite audio fluctuations
        AudioReactive = sound,
        AudioInfluencedSize = true,
        AudioIndependentSize = true


  • Description: This property makes sure that the particle color does not change with audio changes past when the particle was first created, even if AudioInfluencedColor is enabled.
  • Default: false
  • Example:
    emitter:Create({ -- Particle color remains constant despite audio fluctuations
        AudioReactive = sound,
        AudioInfluencedColor = true,
        AudioIndependentColor = true


  • Description: Multiplies the audio's influence on particle speed. This allows you to scale how much the particle speed is affected by the audio, can be used with low Speed and high AudioMultiplierSpeed to increase the visible audio amount.
  • Default: 1
  • Example:
    emitter:Create({ -- Doubles the speed changes caused by audio loudness
        AudioReactive = sound,
        AudioInfluencedSpeed = true,
        AudioMultiplierSpeed = 2


  • Description: Multiplies the audio's influence on particle size, scaling the effect the audio has on particle size.
  • Default: 1
  • Example:
    emitter:Create({ -- Lowers the size changes caused by audio loudness by half
        AudioReactive = sound,
        AudioInfluencedSize = true,
        AudioMultiplierSize = 2


  • Description: Shifts the hue of the particle's color based on the audio's loudness, higher values are more colorful.
  • Default: 0.15
  • Example:
    emitter:Create({ -- Shifts the hue based on audio loudness
        AudioReactive = sound,
        AudioInfluencedColor = true,
        HueShift = 1


  • Description: Controls how much the audio loudness should change between frames for the system to consider that point in music a beat or a hit.
  • Default: 22.5
  • Example:
    emitter:Create({ -- Audio loudness must increase by 25 within 2 frames to be considered a beat
        AudioReactive = sound,
        BeatDetectionThreshold = 25,


  • Description: A function that is played every beat or hit that the system detects, using BeatDetectionThreshold as it's source.
  • Default: 0.15
  • Example:
    emitter:Create({ -- Prints "Beat" everytime a beat happens
        AudioReactive = sound,
        OnBeat = function(particle)

These audio properties let you to create particle effects that are in sync with your sounds.